[Fk4-info] Dr. Rer. Nat. documents

Kappner, Isabella kappner at uni-wuppertal.de
Mo Jan 29 13:08:59 CET 2024

Dear Mr. Rossi,


if we understand your email correctly, you received your Dr. rer. nat. from BUW and are now applying for a position in Italy?


As you probably know, the „Dr. rer. nat.“ is not a „PhD programm“ with course work, so there is also no transcript of records or similar. You received a „Promotionsurkunde“ with the defence of your dissertation.


1.      2 authenticated copies of the Urkunde - Copies of the Promotionsurkunde can only be made on the basis of the original document. You should therefore be able to make copies of the original document yourself and have them notarized at the place of residence.

2.      2 authenticated copies of the Diplomzeugnis – Did you study for a „Diplom“ at BUW?

3.      2 authenticated copies from the BUW on the duration of the doctoral course – We do not have these records, we do not certify any time you spent at BUW. Perhaps you can use your emplyment contract.

4.      2 authenticated copies of Studienordnung at the starting time of the doctoral course (1st August 2018) – Do you mean the „Promotionsordnung?“ 

5.      2 authenticated copies of Prüfungsordnung at the time of completion of the doctoral course (2nd February 2022) – Do you mean the „Promotionsordnung?“ We do not authenticate these (documents attached)

6.      2 authenticated copies of the Diploma Supplement – We do not have a „Diploma supplement“

Best regards

Isabella Kappner





Dr. Isabella Kappner

Dean’s Speaker

School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences


University of Wuppertal

Building F | Level 10 | Room 03

Gaußstr. 20, 42119 Wuppertal


Fon +49 202 439-2623

 <mailto:kappner at uni-wuppertal.de> kappner at uni-wuppertal.de

 <http://www.uni-wuppertal.de/> www.uni-wuppertal.de
 <http://www.linkedin.com/in/isabella-kappner/> www.linkedin.com/in/isabella-kappner/


FK4 on LinkedIn:  <http://www.linkedin.com/company/fk4-at-buw/> www.linkedin.com/company/fk4-at-buw/

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FK4 on Instagram:  <http://www.instagram.com/matnat_wuppertal/> www.instagram.com/matnat_wuppertal/





Von: Fk4-info <fk4-info-bounces at lists.uni-wuppertal.de> Im Auftrag von Damiano Rossi
Gesendet: Montag, 29. Januar 2024 11:01
An: fk4-info at uni-wuppertal.de
Betreff: [Fk4-info] Dr. Rer. Nat. documents


To whom it may concern,


I am Damiano Rossi and I obtained a PhD (Dr. Rer. Nat.) from the Bergische Universität Wuppertal on 02/02/2022. I am now in the process of applying for a comparative degree in the Italian system (needed to apply for academic jobs in Italy) and I am required to provide a certification from the BUW containing the activities, the duration, and the modality met to complete this course of study and obtain the final title of Dr. Rer. Nat. Alternatively, and if containing the above-mentioned information, the diploma supplement would also be a valid document for this purpose. This should however be an authenticated copy (2 authenticated copies).


In addition, I have been requested by the Italian Consulate in Cologne the following documents (in either german or english):

1.	2 authenticated copies of the Urkunde

2.      2 authenticated copies of the Diplomzeugnis

3.      2 authenticated copies from the BUW on the duration of the doctoral course

4.      2 authenticated copies of Studienordnung at the starting time of the doctoral course (1st August 2018)

5.      2 authenticated copies of Prüfungsordnung at the time of completion of the doctoral course (2nd February 2022)

6.      2 authenticated copies of the Diploma Supplement


Could you please let me know how to obtain these documents? For the certified copies I would need paper copies and hence this should be submitted to my current address. In this case, I will of course cover the shipping costs and any other costs this might require.


I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.


Yours faithfully,

Damiano Rossi

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