[AK.IPO] PhD and Postdoc position (VU Amsterdam) - The Geopolitics of Europe-China Tech decoupling

Andreas Nölke a.noelke at soz.uni-frankfurt.de
Fr Apr 5 10:43:24 CEST 2024

FYI, Andreas


Dear friends and colleagues,
I am hiring a PhD and a Postdoc for my Vidi-project on *The Geopolitics of Europe-China Tech decoupling* (funded by the Dutch National Research Council) at VU Amsterdam, application deadline 22 April 2024: 
Faculty of Social Sciences | Working At VU <https://workingat.vu.nl/faculty/social-sciences>
Apologies for cross-posting and spamming you, but it would be great if you could share these vacancies within your networks or to potential candidates. 
Thanks a lot! 

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