[AK.IPO] Reminder: Call for Papers: Making Sustainability Happen - 4. DVPW-Thementagung
ipoe at dvpw.de
Mo Sep 25 07:53:53 CEST 2023
Liebe IPÖ-Liste,
unten und anbei die Erinnerung an den Call zur 4. DVPW-Thementagung
"Making Sustainability Happen: Global Politics Meets Planetary
Boundaries", die vom 10.-12. April 2023 in Tutzing stattfinden wird. Die
Einreichefrist endet am 30.9.
Fragen können gerne an uns gerichtet werden.
Herzliche Grüße
Das Sprecher:innenteam
Dr. Andrea Binder, Anna Fünfgeld, Prof. Dr. Daniel Mertens und Dr.
Johannes Petry
-------- Originalnachricht --------
Fwd: WG: Call for Papers: 4. DVPW-Thementagung
2023-07-06 21:08
AK IPOE <ipoe at dvpw.de>
Ipo <ipo at lists.uni-wuppertal.de>
Liebe IPÖ-Liste,
gemeinsam mit der IB-Sektion und dem Arbeitskreis Umweltpolitik/Global
Change der DVPW veranstaltet der AK IPÖ im April nächsten Jahres eine
Thementagung mit dem Titel "Making Sustainability Happen: Global
Politics Meets Planetary Boundaries". Wir leiten euch hiermit den Call
weiter, der heute von der DVPW versendet wurde (unten/im Anhang), und
hoffen auf Einreichungen aus euren Reihen. Bitte teilt den Call auch
gerne mit potenziell Interessierten.
Danke und herzliche Grüße
Das Sprecher:innenteam
Dr. Andrea Binder, Anna Fünfgeld, Prof. Dr. Daniel Mertens und Dr.
Johannes Petry
Von: DVPW-Geschäftsstelle [mailto:buero at dvpw.de]
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 6. Juli 2023 10:59
Wird diese Nachricht nicht richtig dargestellt, klicken Sie bitte hier
Making Sustainability Happen: [2]
Global Politics Meets Planetary Boundaries [2]
10-12 April 2024, Akademie für Politische Bildung, Tutzing
'Thementagung' - co-organised by the DVPW section 'Internationale
Beziehungen', the DVPW working group 'Internationale Politische
Ökonomie' and the DVPW working group 'Umweltpolitik/Global Change' in
cooperation with Akademie für Politische Bildung, Tutzing
The world finds itself in a perilous socio-ecological state. Multiple
and cascading crises, such as rapidly accelerating climate change, the
sixth mass extinction or the COVID-19 pandemic, have prompted calls for
political responses that better account for the scientifically
demonstrated links between ecosystem integrity and human flourishing.
While efforts to address these challenges already face significant
pushback and backlash, not least during the unfolding energy crisis,
future trajectories look even gloomier as ecological tipping points are
approaching dangerously close or have already been breached (at least
locally). Average temperatures will further increase, leading to even
more extreme and deadlier weather events around the world; biodiversity
loss is estimated to exacerbate as global warming intensifies and humans
further encroach upon vital ecosystems, in turn undermining food
security, public health and societal resilience.
Over the past decade, the 'planetary boundaries' framework has become
central to cataloguing these and similar concerns over the excessive use
of natural resources and the danger of ecosystem degradation in cases of
permanent 'overshoot' of a systemic boundary. Recent debates have
underlined the need to reflect more deeply on the conceptual, political
and normative implications of planetary boundaries. On the one hand, the
concept itself goes back to earlier sustainability discourses that
invoked motifs of 'ecological carrying capacity', 'limits to growth' or
'social-ecological resilience' to highlight the boundedness of
predominant social and economic patterns of production and consumption.
On the other hand, the concept has repeatedly faced criticism for
downplaying the social and political underpinnings, as well as the
societal consequences, of global unsustainability, including prevalent
North-South asymmetries in resource use and exposure to environmental
risks. It has so far remained relatively vague what thinking in terms of
'planetary boundaries' entails for global governance. In other words, we
lack in-depth empirical evidence on where, how and with what
consequences this particular concept is translated into political
The current state of affairs reflects the fragmentation of knowledge
production on the concept of 'planetary boundaries' within the broader
field of political science. While different subfields have critically
engaged with it on their own terms, comprehensive empirical and
theoretical consolidation is still pending. Yet there would be
considerable benefits of stronger integration, given that the concept
speaks to research agendas in several fields of study. Scholars in
global environmental politics and sustainability studies, for example,
are interested in how the framing of 'planetary boundaries' makes sense
of global environmental change in both geophysical and socio-political
terms, enabling certain forms of governance rather than others. For
researchers in International Political Economy, global
(un)sustainability raises crucial questions about structural constraints
imposed by the underlying political-economic system - that is, global
capitalism, especially in its currently predominant neoliberal
incarnation. International Relations scholars seek to understand how a
variety of international institutions (international organisations,
regimes and norms) advance or hinder progress in global sustainability
governance. A growing number of scholars therefore explore potential
transformation pathways away from the globally unsustainable status quo.
In each of these fields, the idea of planetary boundaries matters as a
key reference point or benchmark for the critical analysis of diverse
forms of socio-economic and socio-ecological injustices.
Against this backdrop, the planned 'Thementagung' will bring together
researchers from global environmental politics and sustainability
studies, International Political Economy, and International Relations to
discuss the role of the concept of 'planetary boundaries' in (the study
of) global politics. We aim to advance the integration of so far rather
dispersed insights in these fields in order to shed light on a range of
practices of global environmental and sustainability governance in
specific transnational sites and broader political contexts. The event
will draw attention to how the governance of planetary boundaries is
shaped by and shapes key international norms, the interplay of various
state and non-state actors, and the setup of the global political
economy at large. The attempted engagement will help to clarify how the
concept figures in global environmental governance, inter-state
relations, specific domains of the global political economy and certain
fields of study themselves. Proposed papers should address some of the
following questions about the global and (inter-)disciplinary politics
of planetary boundaries:
_Emergence of planetary boundaries_
* How did the 'planetary boundaries' concept enter research on global
environmental and global sustainability governance? How does the concept
communicate with related ones (for instance, 'planetary health')? How
has scientific knowledge from different disciplines and localities (in
both the Global North and Global South) affected the operationalisation
of not only the biophysical but also the economic and social aspects of
planetary boundaries?
* What is the role of the concept in both research and politics? How
has it reshaped dominant discourses about and practices of global
politics and governance? Which actors have promoted it, and with which
* Which actors challenge the translation and use of the concept? What
forms of contestation and resistance have prevailed in both the Global
North and the Global South, and why have they been successful?
_Impact of planetary boundaries_
* To what extent and in what ways have international institutions
taken up the concept? How do international and domestic institutions
influence each other in this respect? How does the concept travel across
jurisdictions and jurisdictional levels (from the global to the local
level and vice versa)?
* How is the concept adopted in specific governance contexts (via
translation, downscaling, etc.)? To what extent is political priority
given to the governance of specific planetary boundaries (at the expense
of other boundaries or different objectives)? How are multiple
vulnerabilities and dilemmas taken into account?
* Have new epistemic communities formed in response to its invention
and regular data updates? How and with what consequences is the concept
mobilised at the science-policy interface?
* When and how do transnational civil society organisations and
multinational corporations invoke planetary boundaries to make their
case? Which boundaries do they tend to invoke (or de-emphasise)
vis-à-vis which audiences?
* To what extent have new norms diffused and consolidated around
'planetary boundaries'? What new governance practices have arisen as a
_Relations of planetary boundaries_
* How do planetary boundaries relate to features of the global
political economy? To which extent is the concept invoked in debates in
International Political Economy, as well as the adjacent fields of
development studies, economic geography and economic sociology, on
global trade, production, development and finance?
* How does the concept of 'planetary boundaries' link to the
'Anthropocene' discourse (and the related 'Capitalocene' and
'Plantationocene' discourses)? How do fields such as science and
technology studies (STS) or political theory engage with these ideas
when stressing their role as universalised norms?
* To what extent has the concept enabled or hindered inter- and
transdisciplinary debates? Is there common ground for discussing global
(un)sustainability, especially between communities from the Global North
and the Global South?
All proposed papers should clearly speak to the global politics of
planetary boundaries. Submissions can approach the relevant inter- or
transnational dynamics through various disciplinary, interdisciplinary
or transdisciplinary lenses; papers with an empirical or a
theoretical-conceptual focus are equally welcome. If you are interested,
please submit an abstract of no more than 250 words to
g.mennillo at apb-tutzing.de by 30 September 2023. We will inform you by 31
October 2023 whether your paper has been accepted. Kindly note that,
given the conference's limited capacity, we impose a strict
one-paper-per-person policy. We particularly encourage early-career
researchers and scholars from underrepresented groups to apply.
The conference will be organised jointly by the DVPW section
'Internationale Beziehungen', the DVPW working group 'Internationale
Politische Ökonomie' and the DVPW working group 'Umweltpolitik/Global
Change' in cooperation with Akademie für Politische Bildung, Tutzing.
The Akademie will provide for accommodation and catering while we will
compensate all active participants (that is, paper givers) for their
travel expenses (2nd class return train tickets) with DVPW funds that we
have secured for this 'Thementagung'. Organisational questions can be
directed to Dr Giulia Mennillo, Lead Scientist for Economic and Social
Policy, and Sustainability, Akademie für Politische Bildung, Tutzing,
08158 256 49, g.mennillo at apb-tutzing.de.
The event will be hosted and co-organised by the Akademie für Politische
Bildung in Tutzing. It will take place on 10-12 April 2024, starting on
Wednesday afternoon and ending on Friday after lunch. The Akademie can
be reached by public transport via Munich central station
(S-Bahn/regional express trains) and has a direct bus connection to
Tutzing train station. See here for more information [3].
The Akademie für Politische Bildung, located on Lake Starnberg, is a
renowned venue for academic workshops and conferences as well as a forum
for dialogue between academics, policymakers and other social actors
(trade unions, NGOs, etc.). Being fully funded by the Bavarian
Parliament, the Akademie für Politische Bildung is politically and
institutionally independent.
Deutsche Vereinigung für Politikwissenschaft (DVPW) e.V.
c/o Freie Universität Berlin
Ihnestr. 26
14195 Berlin
+49 (0)30-838-68874
buero at dvpw.de
Geschäftsführerin: Dr. Vera van Hüllen
Registergericht: Amtsgericht Charlottenburg, Berlin. Registernummer: VR
39827 B
Einzelvertretungsberechtigter Vorstand i.S.d. § 26 BGB: Prof. Dr. Diana
Panke (Vorsitzende), Prof. Dr. Claudia Ritzi (Stellvertretung), Prof.
Dr. Makus Tepe (Stellvertretung)
[2] https://232034.seu2.cleverreach.com/c/84854584/9763b7c8753d-rxda9x
[3] https://232034.seu2.cleverreach.com/c/84854585/9763b7c8753d-rxda9x
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