[AK.IPO] Vortragsreihe Current Avenues in Comparative and International Political Economy
Schedelik, Michael
Schedelik at em.uni-frankfurt.de
Do Okt 19 13:51:38 CEST 2023
Liebe Kolleg(inn)en,
wir freuen uns sehr, Euch und Sie alle in diesem Wintersemester zu unserer Vortragsreihe „Current Avenues in Comparative and International Political Economy“ am Institut für Politikwissenschaft der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt einladen zu können.
Dieses Semester werden vortragen:
Di, 24.10.2023, 16-18 Uhr, PEG 2.G 121 // Dorothee Bohle (University of Vienna) Varieties of Capitalism, Varieties of Reproduction? (Co-hosted with the Comparative Politics Speaker Series)
Der Vortrag von Dorothee Bohle findet bereits nächsten Dienstag statt!
Mo, 20.11.2023 , 14-16 Uhr, PEG 1.G 191 // Marc Schelhase (King’s College London) Risking money, risking lives: The political economy of risk in finance and the military
Di, 19.12.2023, 16-18 Uhr, SH 1.105 // Sylvain Maechler (University of Lausanne) Financial infrastructures, or infrastructural natures? A political economy of green accounting
Fr, 12.01.2024, 14-16 Uhr, SH 0.107 // Kathleen Thelen (MIT) Attention, Shoppers! American Retail Capitalism and the Rise of the Amazon Economy (co-hosted with the Comparative Politics Speaker Series)
Mo, 29.01.2024, 14-16 Uhr, PEG 1.G 191 // Vanessa Endrejat (MPIfG) The slumbering giant: towards a political economy of the insurance sector
Eine Anmeldung ist nicht notwendig. Nähere Informationen finden Sie/findet Ihr im Anhang.
Beste Grüße im Namen des gesamten Arbeitsbereichs Internationale Politische Ökonomie
Johannes Petry und Michael Schedelik
Dear colleagues,
we are glad to invite you to our lecture series „Current Avenues in Comparative and International Political Economy“ at the Insitute of Political Science at Goethe University Frankfurt for this winter term.
Our program is exciting and we are looking forward to interesting discussions:
Tu, 24.10.2023, 16-18 Uhr, PEG 2.G 121 // Dorothee Bohle (University of Vienna) Varieties of Capitalism, Varieties of Reproduction? (Co-hosted with the Comparative Politics Speaker Series)
Note that Dorothee Bohle’s talk will take place next Tuesday!
Mo, 20.11.2023 , 14-16 Uhr, PEG 1.G 191 // Marc Schelhase (King’s College London) Risking money, risking lives: The political economy of risk in finance and the military
Tu, 19.12.2023, 16-18 Uhr, SH 1.105 // Sylvain Maechler (University of Lausanne) Financial infrastructures, or infrastructural natures? A political economy of green accounting
Fr, 12.01.2024, 14-16 Uhr, SH 0.107 // Kathleen Thelen (MIT) Attention, Shoppers! American Retail Capitalism and the Rise of the Amazon Economy (co-hosted with the Comparative Politics Speaker Series)
Mo, 29.01.2024, 14-16 Uhr, PEG 1.G 191 // Vanessa Endrejat (MPIfG) The slumbering giant: towards a political economy of the insurance sector
No registration is required. Please find further information attached.
Looking forward to seeing many of you!
All best wishes in the name of the whole IPE group
Johannes Petry and Michael Schedelik
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Dr. Michael Schedelik
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Institut für Politikwissenschaft, Fachbereich 03
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt | Campus Westend
PEG-Gebäude | Raum 3.G 177 | Hauspostfach PEG 20
Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 6 | 60323 Frankfurt am Main | GERMANY
Tel.: +49 69 798 36503
E-Mail: schedelik at em.uni-frankfurt.de<mailto:schedelik at em.uni-frankfurt.de>
Website: https://www.fb03.uni-frankfurt.de/70097250/Michael_Schedelik
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