[AK.IPO] IPE assistant prof positions in Groningen

Linsi, Lukas l.a.linsi at rug.nl
Fr Sep 30 09:52:21 CEST 2022

 Dear list members:

In an effort to build a thriving group of international political economy
scholars, the University of Groningen in the Netherlands is looking to
appoint *at least one and up to three* tenure-track assistant professors in
Please note that the requirement to be able to teach quantitative methods
applies to only one position--the others are open to any methodological
specialization and any subfield of IPE. Ideal starting date is February
2023, but this is negotiable. Applications from junior and more senior
candidates will be given equal consideration.

Should you have any questions about the vacancies, you can e-mail me (
l.a.linsi at rug.nl) or Prof. Herman Hoen (h.w.hoen at rug.nl).

Please feel free to forward the advertisement to potentially interested
candidates. Apologies for cross-posting.

Kind regards,

Lukas Linsi

Dr. Lukas Linsi | Assistant Professor of International Political Economy,
Department of International Relations and International Organization,
University of Groningen | Profile: https://www.rug.nl/staff/l.a.linsi/
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