[AK.IPO] Places available: course “Policy Modelling” at GESIS Spring Seminar

Mauk, Marlene Marlene.Mauk at gesis.org
Di Feb 22 15:18:22 CET 2022

***Apologies for cross-posting***

Dear colleagues,

There are still some places available on the course “Policy Modelling” in week 2 (14-18 March) of this year’s GESIS Spring Seminar. There is no registration deadline, but places are limited and allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.

Taught by Prof. Dr. Petra Ahrweiler and Dr. Corinna Elsenbroich, the course focusses on the substantive problems, theories, and related computational models in a number of core areas of policy modelling (e.g., research policy, public policy). The methodological challenge in policy modelling is bridging the gap between policy practice and the scientific realm of formal models. In the course, participants learn to master these challenges using the Netlogo software and Python.

For registration, a detailed course description, and a complete syllabus, please visit www.gesis.org/springseminar<https://www.gesis.org/springseminar>

For a pdf version of the detailed syllabus with course times and literature, you may also directly click here<https://www.gesis.org/fileadmin/upload/dienstleistung/veranstaltungen_fortbildungen/seminare/Spring_Seminar/Syllabus_GESIS_SpringSeminar2022_Week2_Elsenbroich-Ahrweiler.pdf>.

Thank you and best wishes,
Your GESIS Training Team
GESIS – Leibniz-Institute for the Social Sciences

email: training at gesis.org<mailto:training at gesis.org>
web: www.gesis.org/training<http://www.gesis.org/training>
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