[AK.IPO] International Workshop on International and Comparative Political Economy (Cologne, November 26-27)
Schwan, Michael
schwan at wiso.uni-koeln.de
Do Okt 22 11:26:42 CEST 2020
Liebe Kollegen/innen,
Dear colleagues,
vielleicht ist die unten genannte Veranstaltung von Interesse für euch. Weiterleitung an Interessierte ist gerne gesehen.
I would like you to remind you of the following international workshop. Please spread the word.
Passt auf euch auf und bis bald,
Take care and see you soon,
Michael (Schwan)
The Cologne Center for Comparative Politics and the Excellence Cluster ECONtribute are jointly hosting an international workshop for early career researchers on "International and Comparative Political Economy", scheduled for Nov 26-27 2020. The workshop will feature four panels in this thematic area, each with an invited expert serving as keynote speaker and discussant. Registration for the workshop is now open, and we invite any and all interested members of the public to register as an observer for this workshop.
The panels are:
1. Inequality and Redistribution (keynote speaker and discussant: Charlotte Cavaille, University of Michigan)
2. The Political Economy of Gender (keynote speaker and discussant: Frances Rosenbluth, Yale University)
3. Governance and Power in the Digital Economy (keynote speaker and discussant: Anke Hassel, Hertie School of Governance)
4. International Political Economy of Trade and Migration (keynote speaker and discussant: Stefanie Walter, University of Zurich).
The full programme for the workshop is attached, and you can also find more information on the workshop here<https://cccp.uni-koeln.de/en/workshop>.
This year, the workshop will be hosted as an online event, with panels taking place between 14:00 PM and 18:15 PM CET on these two days. Please note that there will be no live presentations except by keynote speakers during the event itself. However, following the keynote presentation and discussion, we will spend 30 minutes on discussion and Q&A for the papers accepted to each panel. Pre-recorded paper presentations and papers will be made available to all workshop participants and registered observers ahead of the workshop.
Please email us at cccp-workshop at uni-koeln.de<mailto:cccp-workshop at uni-koeln.de> if you would be interested in participating at the workshop as an observer -- anyone and everyone welcome!
Best wishes,
CCCP/ECONtribute workshop organizers
Dr. Michael Schwan
Postdoctoral Researcher in Political Economy
University of Cologne
Cologne Center for Comparative Politics (CCCP)
IBW Building
Herbert-Lewin-Str. 2
50931 Köln
Room 1.03
Tel. +49-221-470-5659
Email: schwan at wiso.uni-koeln.de<mailto:schwan at wiso.uni-koeln.de>
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