[AK.IPO] Post-Doctoral Researcher Chinese Economic Model (m/f/d)

Simone Claar sclaar at uni-kassel.de
Di Mär 12 12:39:03 CET 2019

Liebe Kolleg*innen,

anbei ein Hinweis auf eine Post-Doc Stelle in Bremen. Viele Grüße Simone Claar

For a research project on “Challenges for the Stability of the Chinese Economic Model” (funded by the German Research Foundation DFG), the Department of Social Sciences & Humanities at Jacobs University Bremen invites applications for the following academic position as a
Post-Doctoral Researcher Chinese Economic Model (m/f/d)
(full time, limited for 2 years)

The position in Bremen will start at the earliest possible date for two years (with a potential third year, subject to funding approval).
For more information, see: 
https://www.jacobs-university.de/post-doctoral-researcher-chinese-economic-model-mfd-job-id-19-29 <https://www.jacobs-university.de/post-doctoral-researcher-chinese-economic-model-mfd-job-id-19-29>

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