[AK.IPO] CfP: Good bye, anarchy? Internet politics in the 21st century
Eimer, T.R. (Thomas)
t.eimer at fm.ru.nl
Fr Jan 18 12:32:38 CET 2019
Sehr geehrte Frau Claar, lieber Matthias,
Ich würde Sie bitten, den folgenden Call for Papers auf der IPÖ-Liste zu veröffentlichen. Vielen Dank im Vorhinein!
Beste Grüße aus Nijmegen,
Thomas R. Eimer
Sorry for crossposting!
Dear all,
Please find attached our CfP for a panel on internet politics at the Annual Convention of the Belgian Association for Political Science (VPW) and the Dutch Political Science Association (NKWP) in Antwerp (13 and 14 June, 2019). Our panel aims at unfolding the tensions around the regulation of the internet. Which actors try to limit internet freedoms, which actors try to defend them, and what are their motivations? What is the institutional context of their contestations? And finally, what could the internet look like in the future?
More information on the Convention can be found under: https://politicologenetmaal.eu/
Attached, you will find a more detailed description of our panel. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Kind regards,
Thomas R. Eimer and Daniëlle Flonk
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