[AK.IPO] Call for Papers, Sessions and Workshops - 2nd Austrian Conference on International Resource Politics

Ulrich Brand ulrich.brand at univie.ac.at
Mi Sep 26 15:09:34 CEST 2018

Dear colleagues,

we send you a reminder for the *Call for Papers, Sessions and Workshops 
*for the2^nd Austrian Conference on International Resource Politics: 
*"Resources for a social-ecological transformation"*.

The conference will be held from *28**^th February – 2**^nd March of 
2019 *in *Innsbruck* *(Austria)* and is organized by the Research 
Platform on Resource Fairness, consisting of the Institute of Geography 
at the University of Innsbruck, the Austrian Foundation for Development 
Research (ÖFSE), the Department of Political Science at the University 
of Vienna and the Institute of Social Ecology at the University of 
Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna.

Contributions are welcome until **31^stOctober 2018 (new deadline!!)**

Further informations under: 

Please direct further inquiries to agef at uibk.ac.at <mailto:agef at uibk.ac.at>.

Best regards
Fernando Ruiz Peyré and Martin Coy

/*Apologies for cross-posting*/


28^th February – 2^nd March 2019, Innsbruck (Austria)*
*2^nd Austrian Conference on International Resource Politics:*

      *Resources for a social-ecological transformation*


      *Call for papers and workshops*

*New Deadline: 31^st October 2018*

World society is facing a comprehensive social-ecological crisis related 
to fast political, economic, technological and social changes. The 
current economic model and its forms of excessive resource extraction 
and use exacerbate ecological problems and conflicts, generates 
political instability and increases social inequalities. There is 
emerging agreement in science, politics and society that a fundamental 
transformation is needed. Some stakeholders frame the adoption of the UN 
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as an important step towards 
recognising and addressing the most pressing transformation needs. 
However, many scholars argue that such a transformation requires a more 
radical change of current modes of production and living as well as 
development pathways instead of mere technological and managerial 

In this context, the extraction, distribution, use and disposal of 
natural resources are of crucial importance. We acknowledge resources as 
a biophysical materiality and, at the same time, as a social, ecological 
and in the end as a political ‘construct’, and part of the 
powerfully-structured social relations. Such a perspective intends to 
overcome the dichotomy between society and nature in a wider concept of 
‘societal nature relations’. A better comprehension of the 
multidimensional character of resources as well as a multiscale 
perspective is needed to achieve a better understanding of the complex 
nexus between resources and transformation potentials.

Following the first conference (“Towards International Resource Fairness 
- Theories, Conflicts and Policies” in 2014, see also programme 
<http://resourcefairness.univie.ac.at>, documentation 
conference publication <https://www.routledge.com/9781138195950>), the 
2^nd Austrian Conference on International Resource Politics focuses on 
the role of natural resources for a social-ecological transformation. 
Highlighting a North-South-perspective, the conference aims to analyse 
past, present and future challenges for transformation pathways that 
take global inequalities, geopolitics but also transnational resistance 
and forms of cooperation into account. The goal of the conference is to 
bring together researchers, practitioners and activists from different 
regions and disciplines to advance inter- and transdisciplinary research.

We welcomecontributions from any field ofpolitical science, development 
studies, geography, economics, sociology, social ecology, lawand related 
disciplinesand kindly invite you to submit proposals in one of the 
following areas:

  * Theoretical and empirical reflections on the current
    social-ecological crisis related to natural resources, and their
    potentials and limits for transformations.
  * Looking to the past to understand the future: contributions from
    environmental and socio-economic history.
  * Methodologies and approaches assessing e.g. the economic, political,
    social, legal, and environmental impacts of resource extraction.
  * Analysis and evaluation of public and private policies and
    governance of natural resources (e.g. laws, codes, standards,
    certification schemes, labels).
  * Theoretical and empirical contributions on topics such as resource
    conflicts, territorial dynamics of resource frontiers or (global)
    commodity chains in context of social-ecological transformations.

The proposals should be submitted in PDF format until ***** 
****31^stO**ctober 2018 *via our website 
<https://www.uibk.ac.at/congress/resource-conference/registration/> in 
one of these three forms:

 1. *Individual Papers*, including a title, an abstract (300-500 words)
    and a short CV (50-70 words);
 2. *Special Sessions*(consisting of 3-4 thematic papers), including a
    session description (300-500 words) as well as title, abstract and
    short CV (200 words) for the individual papers of the session.
 3. *Open Workshops*with interactive features on the conference topic
    for/from practitioners and scientists. This form especially aims to
    promote transdisciplinary dialog. Proposal should include a
    description of the workshop, methodology and goals (approx. 300-500
    words) and short CV of the organizer(s) (50-70 words).

This conference is organized by the *Research Platform on Resource 
Fairness*, consisting of the Institute of Geography at the University of 
Innsbruck, the Austrian Foundation for Development Research (ÖFSE), the 
Department of Political Science at the University of Vienna and the 
Institute of Social Ecology at the University of Natural Resources and 
Life Sciences, Vienna.

All relevant information on the conference will be soon available at the 
conference website: 
https://www.uibk.ac.at/congress/resource-conference/. Please direct 
further inquiries to agef at uibk.ac.at.


kürzlich erschienene Bücher / recently published books:

Brand, Ulrich/Wissen, Markus (2018): The Limits to Capitalist Nature:
Theorizing and Overcoming the Imperial Mode of Living. London and New York: Rowman & Littlefield International.

Brand, Ulrich/Görg, Christoph (Hrsg., 2018): Zur Aktualität der Staatsform.
Die materialistische Staatstheorie von Joachim Hirsch. Baden-Baden: Nomos.

Acosta, Alberto/Brand, Ulrich (2018): Radikale Alternativen.
Warum man den Kapitalismus nur mit vereinten Kräften überwinden kann. München: oekom.

Gespräch zum Buch "Radikale Alternativen" bei Attac-Radio (Juli 2018).

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