[AK.IPO] Invitation to the Annual Conference of the Leibniz Research Alliance “Crises in a Globalised World”

Thomas Siurkus siurkus at HSFK.de
Fr Nov 16 07:50:09 CET 2018

Dear colleagues,
We kindly invite you to the Annual Conference of the Leibniz Research Alliance “Crises in a Globalised World”.

Making Crises Visible/Invisible
Annual Conference of the Leibniz Research Alliance “Crises in a Globalised World”
Date: 12-13 December 2018
Venue: Leibniz Association, Chausseestraße 111, 10115 Berlin

The title of this conference Making Crises Visible/Invisible refers to the question of how to recognize, describe and analyse complex crises phenomena. As crises are always a result of a specific communication and perception in a competitive market of public attention, the mechanisms of their creation or disappearance are a factor of high relevance. The annual conference is aimed at all member institutes and members of the alliance as well as those academics or practitioners who are interested in crises research. The main goal is to present and to discuss the work of the alliance and to increase its visibility.
The title Making Crises Visible/Invisible might sound counterintuitive at first glance. Crises are usually understood as moments of challenge which force actors to take immediate action. Due to their inevitable and urgent character, crises are expected to be highly visible with the consequence that the mechanisms of making crises visible or invisible are scarcely investigated. However, zooming in on specific crisis-situations reveals that different actors emphasize or cover very different aspects of a crisis with consequences on how a crisis is being managed and solved.
For more information please visit http://www.leibniz-krisen.de/en/news-activities/annual-conference-2018/
To register for the conference, please send an email to Thomas Siurkus at: siurkus at hsfk.de.
We´re looking forward to welcoming to you at the Leibniz Association in December.
Kind Regards,
Stefan Kroll
Wednesday, 12.12.2018
11:30h            Registration and light lunch
12:30h            Welcome and Introduction
Nicole Deitelhoff, Speaker, Leibniz-Research Alliance “Crises in a Globalised World”
13:00h            Panel I “Placeless dynamics? Visualizing the spatiality of crises”
14:45h            Coffee and refreshments
15:15h            Panel II “Dropout from Multilateralism – Economic Consequences and Conclusions”
17:00h            Reception and Exhibition “Visible Crisis”
Matthias Kleiner, President Leibniz Association
Nicole Deitelhoff, Project “Visible Crisis”
18:00h            Keynote
Sichtbare und unsichtbare Krisen im Film: Über Routinen der Bewältigung und Grenzen des Mediums
Peter Herrmann, Movie Producer
Thursday, 13.12.2018
9:00h              Panel III “Permanent crises of political institutions between visibility and invisibility”
10:45h            Coffee
11:15h            Panel IV “Environmental crisis in the eye of different beholders: From seeing and understanding”
13:00h            Lunch and Coffee
14:00h            Panel V “Food insecurity, food price developments, and social protest”
16:00h            End of the conference
Thomas Siurkus
Leibniz Research Alliance "Crises in a Globalised World"
Peace Research Institute Frankfurt (PRIF)
Baseler Str. 27-31
60329 Frankfurt
www.hsfk.de<http://www.hsfk.de> | www.prif.org<http://www.prif.org> | www.leibniz-krisen.de<http://www.leibniz-krisen.de/>

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