[AK.IPO] 1 Ph.D. + 1 post-doc position, University of Lausanne, Switzerland

Benjamin Wilhelm benjamin.wilhelm at uni-erfurt.de
Mi Aug 24 12:03:01 CEST 2016

Liebe IPÖlerInnen,

Unten zwei Stellen an der Universität Lausanne ­ vielleicht für eineiige von
Interesse und auch gerne zum Weiterleiten.

Mit den besten Grüßen

Dear All,

I am glad to announce the opening of two 3-year positions (1 Ph.D. + 1
postdoc) to carry out a new Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) project
entitled ŒTransnational private regulation, production regimes, and power
resources (PR3)¹.

The appointed candidates will work closely with a small dynamic team based
at the Institut d'études politiques, historiques et internationales (IEPHI)
of the University of Lausanne, Switzerland. IEPHI is a leading academic
institution that offers a dynamic inter-disciplinary research environment
with many European and international collaboration agreements. It provides
inspiring supervision and a stimulating working atmosphere in a unique
lakeside setting.

Deadline: 30 September 2016

For further information, please see the following webpage:

&langage=8 (Ph.D position - English)
&langage=8 (post-doc - English)
www.goo.gl/wWqro9 <http://www.goo.gl/wWqro9>  (description of the project)

Best wishes,

Prof. Jean-Christophe Graz
Institut d'études politiques, historiques et internationales (Iephi)
Centre d'histoire internationale et d'études politiques de la mondialisation
Université de Lausanne, Géopolis 4147, CH - 1015 Lausanne ­ Switzerland
Tel.: + 41 21 692 31 78 / 40 (Secr)


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