[IPO] CEU position

Hubert Zimmermann zimmer2d at staff.uni-marburg.de
Mo Jan 12 17:31:12 CET 2015

Open Rank Faculty position in Political Economy
Department of Political Science
Starting date: August 2015
Application deadline: February 23, 2015
The Political Science Department
at Central European University, Budapest, invites applications for a full time
faculty position in political economy open to all ranks. Ideally, the  
candidate complements existing research and
teaching at the department by specializing on one or several o
f the following areas: political economy of development, political  
economy of finance, inequality and distribution, regulation and  
government, international governance. The department is looking for a  
candidate with a strong substantive research agenda and
solid social science methods skills. Expertise in non-Western world  
regions is a welcome additional qualification. The
Department of Political Science aims at further intensifying its  
research on the challenges of democracy in the 21
st century. The candidate is expected to contribute to this endeavor.
The normal teaching load at CEU is three classes (each class meets  
twice a week for 100 minutes, during 12 weeks)
per academic year, plus MA and PhD thesis supervision.
Central European University (CEU) is a graduate research-intensive  
university specializing primarily in the social
sciences. It is located in Budapest, and accredited in the United  
States and Hungary. CEU’s mission is to promote
academic excellence, state-of-the-art research, and civic engagement,  
in order to contribute to the development
of open societies in Central and Eastern Europe, the former Soviet  
Union, and other emerging democracies
throughout the world. CEU offers both Master’s and doctoral programs,  
and enrolls more than 1500 students fromnearly 100 countries. The  
teaching staff consists of more than 180 resident faculty members from  
over 40countries, and a large number of prominent visiting scholars  
from around the world. The language of instruction is English.
Duties and responsibilities:
The successful candidate is expected to teach core and elective  
courses on the MA and PhD level in political
economy, to publish in international outlets, and to participate in  
departmental initiatives. For details, see
The candidate must have a PhD or equivalent in political science,  
economics, or political or economic sociology,
a proven record of excellence in scholarship, and post-graduate  
teaching experience in the area of comparative
political economy.
How to Apply:
Applicants need to submit a cover letter, their CV, including the full  
contact info for three referees, and two English
language article-length works presenting their own research.
Please send your complete application to ceu-hro at ceu.hu including the  
job code in the subject line: 2014/071
CEU is an equal opportunity employer.


New article: A Grand Coalition for the Euro: The Second Merkel  
Cabinet, the Euro Crisis and the Elections of 2013, German Politics  
2014, 1-15 (free e-print:  

Lehrstuhl Internationale Politik/Chair of International Relations
FB 03, Wilhelm Roepke Str 6G, Philipps-Universitaet, D 35032 Marburg
Fax: +496421-28-28991 Phone: +49-6421-28-24392

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