[IPO] CfP: IPA, 3-5 July, Vienna: Re-thinking critique - recent economic crises and new paths in critical IPE?!

Joscha Wullweber joscha.wullweber at uni-kassel.de
Mi Jan 23 10:05:52 CET 2013

Liebe KollegInnen,

ich möchte Sie auf untenstehenden Call aufmerksam machen.

Mit herzlichen Grüßen,
Joscha Wullweber

Dr Joscha Wullweber
University of Kassel
Faculty of Social Sciences
Department of "Globalization & Politics"
Nora-Platiel-Str. 1
D-34127 Kassel, Germany

Phone + 49 (0) 561 804-7367
Fax   + 49 (0) 561 804-3464
Mail  joscha.wullweber at uni-kassel.de


**Re-thinking critique - recent economic crises and new paths in 
critical IPE?!*
*Panel at 8th International Interpretive Policy Analysis Conference 
(IPA) 2013: Societies in Conflict: Experts, Publics and Democracy, 
Vienna, 3-5 July 2013Panel chairs: Antonia Graf, Joscha Wullweber*

Discussant: Ulrich Brand (University of Vienna), Bob Jessop (University 
of Lancaster, tbc)

A critical and interpretative perspective in IPE is marked by the 
assumption of the economic sphere being socially and politically 
produced. Since there is an ongoing negotiation on how to define 
economic reality, some critical perspectives conceptualize the economy 
as a specific social relation separated from other social spheres by 
contradictory and conflictual social practices. The omnipresent 
vocabulary of crises constitutes a language of conflict, failure and 
threat and seems to enclose not only parts of the economy, but more and 
more the democratic system itself.

The critical in IPE faces an ambivalent situation of transformation and 
rigor. On the one hand the current economic crisis does not lead to a 
politico-economic and/or theoretical change, despite of the fact that 
orthodox economic theories failed in explaining the reasons of the 
crisis. On the other hand current social and political developments 
strongly interrogate the adequacy of (parts of) the economic system. 
With (new) forms of protest forming up across Europe, traditional 
alliances and processes of policy-making appear to erode, generating a 
need for alternative belief systems.

Critical, constructivist and post-structuralist scholars have always 
worked on pointing out alternatives to mainstream economic theory. But, 
how do current discourses and practices of crisis reformulate contexts 
in which the critical occurs? Is it necessary to reformulate the form 
and content of critique?

The panel wants to inspire the discussion on how to re-think the 
critical in times of crisis. It invites theoretical and empirical 
contributions tackling questions like: For what reasons are orthodox 
economic narratives still almost unquestionable, despite the fact, that 
neo-liberal forms of economic governance proved to produce an increasing 
number of crises with devasting social consequences? If mainstream 
economic theory has shown its weakness with alternatives still not being 
established in discourse -- do we have to think about the addressee for 
critique anew? Which mechanisms stabilize and/or destabilize daily 
practices, belief systems, and established knowledge? Is the economic 
crisis also a crisis of democracy? Where do alternative forms of 
governance techniques come from and how do they work?

*Deadline for paper submission: 28. Februar 2013, 

Dr. Joscha Wullweber, Kassel University, Nora-Platiel-Str. 1, 34127 
Kassel, +49-561 804-7367, joscha.wullweber at uni-kassel.de

Antonia Graf, M.A., Münster University, Scharnhorststr. 100, 48151 
Münster, +49-251 83-29355, antoniag at uni-muenster.de


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