[IPO] Call for Papers - XV World Economy Meeting - Santander - Spain 5-7 June 2013

Andreas Nölke a.noelke at soz.uni-frankfurt.de
Do Jan 3 16:17:57 CET 2013

Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,
diese Konferenz ist vor allem für diejenigen interessant, die an der
Kooperation mit Ökonomen aus der spanischsprachigen Welt interessiert
Beste Grüße
Andreas Nölke

         [cid:image001.png at 01CDDEC4.CF15A170] CALL FOR PAPERS

                       XV World Economy Meeting

       University of Cantabria, Santander - Spain 5-7 June 2013

The World Economy Society is now inviting proposals for paper and
poster presentations at the annual World Economy Meeting, to be held at
the University of Cantabria, Santander, Spain between 5th and 7^th
June, 2013. The over-riding theme of the meeting is Shifting Wealth in
the World Economy.

Proposals are encouraged on all areas of the world economy and we
particularly encourage contributions on the following topics:

 1. The World Economy Development: long term perspectives in honor A.
 2. FDI and Multinational Enterprises.
 3. International Finance.
 4. International Trade.
 5. Transport and Logistics in the World Economy.
 6. Integration: The European Union and other areas.
 7. International Economic Organisation and Global Governance.
 8. Labour relations, Migrations and Education.
 9. Entrepreneurship and Innovation in honor J. Guzman.
10. Other topics: Policies beyond the World Crisis.

Abstracts should include paper title, author name and affiliation,
email, keywords, JEL codes and should not exceed 100 words. The
deadline for submission is 30 January 2013. Abstracts can be submitted
in English or Spanish. Detailed instructions on how to submit your
abstract are available on line at the [1]official congress website.
Please submit your abstracts by clicking[2]HERE.

Acceptance notices will be sent by the Programme Chair by 15 February
2013. Once accepted, full papers are due 24 March 2013. Accepted papers
will be published as Conference Proceedings with ISBN so authors will
need to follow submission instructions on the official website [3]by
clicking HERE.

We encourage submissions from both senior and junior scholars as well
as non-academics around the world.

The World Economy Meeting has been organised annually by the World
Economy Society since 1999. The World Economy Society also publishes
the prestigious journal Revista de Economía Mundial - Journal of World
Economy listed in SSCI, Scopus and so on. The World Economy Meeting
aims to become a leading place for international scholars and other
professionals to network and analyse key issues pertaining to the world

The conference will include a keynote speaker and offer many
opportunities to network with other scholars working on world economy.


The University of Cantabria-Faculty of Economics and Business is served
by the nearly Santander airport (10 minutes by car or 20 by public
transportation) and has the following [4]connections. There is a
permanent bus service which connects Santander airport with the city
center bus station every 30 minutes. The bus ticket costs approximately
2 Euros.

The other option is to fly to Bilbao airport (60 minutes by car and 120
minutes connected by public transportation). As there is no direct
public transportation, you should take the public bus from the airport
to Bilbao Bus Station ([5]Termibus), and a second bus to Santander.
Bilbao is served by the following flight [6]connections. A taxi from
Bilbao Airport to Santander will cost around 150€.

Santander is also connected by S-20 highway. See the conference website
for information on how to arrive ([7]map)

[8]The University of Cantabria

[9]The city of Santander

[10]The region of Cantabria

The regulatory and governance email list now includes over 2000 people
all over the world.

Our  Fourth Biennial Conference was held at the University of Exeter,
Britain, 26-29 June 2012.

For more details on our network visit our website:

Regulation mailing list
[12]Regulation at listserver.cc.huji.ac.il
See [14]http://regulation.upf.edu/
To un/subscribe pls write to [15]regulation-owner at listserver.huji.ac.il

The material posted is under the full responsibility of whoever posted
it and under their sole responsibility and liability. The University
takes no responsibility whatsoever for any material or other damage,
direct or indirect, that may incur from publications in the forum
and/or distribution list. Nor is it responsible for the authenticity of
any data and material posted in the forum and/or distribution list,
their legality, accuracy, credibility or their completeness


1. http://www.xvrem.unican.es/?page_id=715&lang=en
2. http://www.xvrem.unican.es/?page_id=718&lang=en
3. http://www.xvrem.unican.es/?page_id=37&lang=en
4. http://www.aena-aeropuertos.es/csee/Satellite/Aeropuerto-Santander/en/Page/1056530002715/
5. http://www.termibus.es/
6. http://www.aena-aeropuertos.es/csee/Satellite/Aeropuerto-Bilbao/en/Page/1056529998364/
7. https://www.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=&daddr=43.470511,-3.806957&geocode=&abauth=50b62d25pa3qjkqk3Q9diugfxM-UlW7GT50&vps=9&jsv=441c&sll=43.470721,-3.806913&sspn=0.005443,0.011362&vpsrc=6&t=h&hl=es&mra=mr&num=10
8. http://www.unican.es/en
9. http://www.unican.es/en/living/Santander.htm
  10. http://www.unican.es/en/living/Cantabria.htm
  11. http://regulation.upf.edu/
  12. mailto:Regulation at listserver.cc.huji.ac.il
  13. http://listserver.cc.huji.ac.il/mailman/listinfo/regulation
  14. http://regulation.upf.edu/
  15. mailto:regulation-owner at listserver.huji.ac.il
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