[IPO] CfP „Power, Finance and the Crisis“, Berlin, 12/13. Sept 2013

Joscha Wullweber joscha.wullweber at uni-kassel.de
Do Feb 14 11:34:39 CET 2013

Liebe Mitglieder des AK IPÖ,

anbei ein CfP, der bei einigen von Ihnen auf Interesse stoßen könnte.

Joscha Wullweber


*„Power, Finance and the Crisis“*

Conference of the COST-Action IS0902: World financial Crisis. Systemic 
Risks, Financial Crisis and Credit
Berlin (Germany), 12. - 13. September 2013

The recent economic crisis has stimulated debates about power in the 
field of finance. The financial ruptures seem to have challenged the 
existing power constellations and raised questions about a 
transformation of financial power relations. While the international 
debate about the political economy of finance was dominated by rather  
technical terms so far, the crisis has increasingly drawn attention to 
the multifaceted power constellations in financial relations: from the 
central role of finance in contemporary capitalism and the growing 
influence of rating agencies vis-à-vis national governments, to 
geo-economic power-constellations among monetary blocks, and to the  
power of financial imaginaries and their impact on peoples’ everyday 
practices. Though power-sensitive perspectives on finance are on the 
move, the systematic academic exploration of power-related questions in 
the field of finance is still at an early stage. There has yet to be 
substantial a discussion of theoretical foundations as well as empirical 
investigation of different forms and dimensions of power in financial 

The COST Conference is therefore committed to an exploration of the 
various power relations in the field of finance. We welcome proposals 
for panels and papers that engage the following themes:
• _Assessing different forms of power in the field of finance:_ What 
forms of power in the field of finance are to be explored? How to 
conceptualize theoretically different forms of financial power, such as 
structural, agental, discursive etc.? What are respective sources and 
resources of power in the field of finance?
•_Exploring dimensions of power in finance:_ for example hierarchies 
among nations and economic blocks, the role of international 
organizations in global finance, financial power and the EU, 
financialization of the state, finance versus workers, consumers, or 
industrial capital, everyday finance, and other relevant topics.
• _Dynamics of change:_ Did the recent crisis change financial power 
relations, e.g. in the international arena or in the field of everyday 
finance? What are the origins of transformation of power in finance, 
what are forces of inertia?

Alongside these topics, there will be space for panels and papers 
covering other aspects of a powersensitive analysis of financial 
relations. We encourage potential contributors to include a 
gendersensitive analysis whenever possible.

Panel proposals should be based on the assumption of 1½-hour time slots. 
They should have no more than 250 words, containing a theme as well as a 
rationale for the session, names of the panel- organizers, including 
institutional affiliations and contact information.

*Deadline*: Please submit your panel and paper proposal at 
COST2013 at icdd.uni-kassel.de by *May 31st 2013*

_Supported by:_
International Center for Development and Decent Work
University of Kassel
International Political Economy working group of the German Political 
Science Association (DVPW)

Dr Joscha Wullweber
University of Kassel
Faculty of Social Sciences
Department of "Globalization & Politics"
Nora-Platiel-Str. 1
D-34127 Kassel, Germany

Phone + 49 (0) 561 804-7367
Fax   + 49 (0) 561 804-3464
Mail  joscha.wullweber at uni-kassel.de

Dr Joscha Wullweber
University of Kassel
Faculty of Social Sciences
Department of "Globalization & Politics"
Nora-Platiel-Str. 1
D-34127 Kassel, Germany

Phone + 49 (0) 561 804-7367
Fax   + 49 (0) 561 804-3464
Mail  joscha.wullweber at uni-kassel.de

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