[Fk4-info] Growing Your Tech Team in Eastern Europe

Mihai Corban mihai.corban at 112hub.de
Di Sep 26 13:31:07 CEST 2023

Hello ,

I hope this email finds you in good spirits and doing well. I wanted to
reach out and share some news about our network of software and IT
We specialize in creating highly customizable products for enterprise
companies and have top-notch engineers in Romania and Bulgaria ready to
help with your projects.

Whether you need support with an existing product or want to build
something new from scratch, we have you covered.
The best part: I can introduce you to our engineering teams in less than a

Would you be available for a call this week?

Best wishes,

Mihai Corban | Business Consultant
Street Doamna Chiajna No 26, 031234 Bucharest, Romania
Mobile: +40 743 157 467

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