[Fk4-info] Extension Letter for Visa process

Eldho Philipose eldhose203 at gmail.com
Mo Okt 2 15:14:02 CEST 2023

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to inform you that I am an incoming student in the Master's
program for Computer Simulation in Science, scheduled for the winter
semester of 2023. Unfortunately, I have encountered a delay in obtaining my
APS certificate, which has led to a delay in scheduling my visa
appointment. As a result, my visa appointment is now set for *October 5th,

Regrettably, this means that I am unable to be physically present at the
University for the commencement of the semester, which officially began on
October 2nd, 2023. Given this situation, I kindly request your assistance
in providing me with an extension letter to support my visa application
process. My sincere hope is that I will receive my student visa within
October 31, 2023, allowing me to join the University at the earliest

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in this matter.

Eldho Thrikkadayil Philipose
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