[Fk4-info] Inquiry about potential openings for Professorship positions

Fidan Mehmeti fidan.mehmeti at tum.de
Do Nov 2 13:11:54 CET 2023

Dear Professor Wiesen,

I am writing to you, as the Dean of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, to inquire about potential openings for W2/W3 professorships at Bergische University of Wuppertal in the broad area of Wireless Networks, or Communication Networks in general. Currently, I am working as a Senior Researcher and Lecturer at the Chair of Communication Networks, Technical University of Munich. Previously, I worked as a Postdoctoral scholar at three universities in North America. I received my PhD degree from Institute Eurecom/Telecom Paris, in 2015.

My research interests are broadly within the area of Communication networks/Wireless networks, with a special focus on
performance modeling, analysis, and optimization. I have considerable experience in writing proposals and managing projects, supervising students, teaching, and I have also received two Best Paper Awards at conferences. Please find attached my detailed CV.

I would be very happy to have an answer from you on whether there are going to be any related openings soon. Thank you for your time!

Kind regards,


Dr. Fidan Mehmeti

Senior Researcher and Lecturer

Technical University of Munich

Chair of Communication Networks

80333 Munich, Germany

Phone: +49 (89) 289-23506

Fax: +49 (89) 289-23523

E-mail: fidan.mehmeti at tum.de

From: Fidan Mehmeti
Sent: Thursday, November 2, 2023 1:09:45 PM
To: dekanatfk4 at uni-wuppertal.de
Subject: Inquiry about potential openings for Professorship positions

Dear Professor Wiesen,

I am writing to you, as the Dean of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, to inquire about potential openings for W2/W3 professorships at Bergische University of Wuppertal in the broad area of Wireless Networks, or Communication Networks in general. Currently, I am working as a Senior Researcher and Lecturer at the Chair of Communication Networks, Technical University of Munich. Previously, I worked as a Postdoctoral scholar at three universities in North America. I received my PhD degree from Institute Eurecom/Telecom Paris, in 2015.

My research interests are broadly within the area of Communication networks/Wireless networks, with a special focus on
performance modeling, analysis, and optimization. I have considerable experience in writing proposals and managing projects, supervising students, teaching, and I have also received two Best Paper Awards at conferences. Please find attached my detailed CV.

I would be very happy to have an answer from you on whether there are going to be any related openings soon. Thank you for your time!

Kind regards,


Dr. Fidan Mehmeti

Senior Researcher and Lecturer

Technical University of Munich

Chair of Communication Networks

80333 Munich, Germany

Phone: +49 (89) 289-23506

Fax: +49 (89) 289-23523

E-mail: fidan.mehmeti at tum.de
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