[Fk4-info] Academic Recruitment

Cornelia Leitner contact-university at contact-university.com
Do Dez 21 18:42:03 CET 2023

Dear Deans, Head of Schools and Human Resources Administrators,

Navigating the realm of recruitment presents numerous challenges, with one of the primary concerns being the acquisition of top-tier talent for academic and research roles in higher education. By taking advantage of our global network, I encourage you to publish your job vacancies on our specialized academic portals. Your job vacancies will be featured in the upcoming release of our academic and research e-mail bulletin. For their higher visibility on the portals and in the e-mail bulletin, please choose our "priority" option. Kindly upload them directly at computeroxy(.)com and/or engineeroxy(.)com and/or physicaloxy(.)com.

I look forward to assisting you with solutions through our global network.

Cornelia Leitner

You can access our brochures by following this link: jobsoxy(.)com

Computeroxy Engineeroxy Physicaloxy / Psychoneuroxy Educaloxy Socioloxy / 
Medicinoxy Bioloxy / Interdisciplinoxy Adminoxy / Americanoxy Universitoxy / Jobsoxy

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